UniRAZAK "city campus"

Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:59 AM By Raifana Shamsuddin , In


1st March 2010,

UniRAZAK city campus, Capital Square

Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Special Programme (BeST)

The first word came out from my mouth as I get to UniRAZAK was "WOW". The architecture, the lift, the floor, everything is perfect in here. It looks like the place for the rich but still, the people in here is friendly I guess.

My amazement was not just ended there, walking my way into the Lecture Hall B at the second floor I was fascinated by the facilities in the lecture hall. Then, sitting on the comfort chair in the hall, and managed to make few friends I thought that the next 3 months in here will not be so bad after all.

More surprise came out, as I got to know some nice lecturers in this campus. They all are being so friendly and nice, very in contra to what I was imagining them to be. Serious and fierce was totally not them. Especially Miss Hanani and Dr. Khairudin who being so helpful to the BeSt participants.

Further stories will come out next, maybe I will continue telling this in the next entry. So, see you again dear readers. Bye.