Power Presentation Skills

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:18 PM By Raifana Shamsuddin , In

30th March 2010

Miss Saras - Power presentation skills

We were required to write an example of script for presentation pupose. So, here it is.

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon to all of you. I am Raifana from the Sweet E.coli group will presenting about "Air Pollution". First, I would like to share with all of you the definition of air pollution. According to World Health Organization air pollution is defined as a situation in which the outdoor ambient atmosphere contains materials in concentration which are harmful to man and his surrounding environments.

The main causes of air pollution are the industrial activities, smoke emission from motor vehicles, activity of power generator, our everyday routine such as cooking and also open burning. All these activities will lead to the emitation of dangerous gases that contribute to air pollution such as radon gas which is radioactive, CFCs, carbon monoxide and more.

When we think of air pollution generally we will imagine the air outside. However, a lot of the air pollution nowadays also takes place indoors. Indoor pollution is mainly caused by older buildings that were constructed with materials containing asbestos, lead and formaldehyde. These three contaminants can be deadly to our health. Fortunately, nowadays many of the new building that being built, recycle their indoor air through the ventilation systems.

As what we all think, air pollutants enters our bodies when we breathe them in, and that is indeed true. Most air pollutants gain access to our body as we inhale them. However, air pollution can also be ingested by eating contaminated fruits and vegetables as well as absorbed through the skin.

Once the air pollutants is in our body, it can move on to affect other areas that will eventually causes diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, liver damage, skin rashes, developmental problems in children, nervous system damage, cough and throat irritation, birth defect or miscarriages, and also asthma and chronic bronchitis.

So, what can we do to help? What can we do to reduce the increasing number of pollutants in the air? First, we could do some cut back on products, solvent cleaning products, and refrigeration or air conditioning devices that emit CFCs. Apart from that we can also educate ourselves to use natural cleaning products derived from water, vinegar and lemon juice.

While we do our shopping for household items, do take our own bags with us so that we can reduce the usage of plastic bags. Furthermore, for transportation we could also apply the car pool concept or just used the public transport to go to work. Last but not least, do avoid products that are both harmful to our healths as well as the environment. Thank you for listening.